About us
Born: Isaac ben Judah Abravanel, 1437: Lisbon, Portugal
Died 1508: Venice, Italy - Resting place: Padua, Italy
In the year 1930 a number of Sephardic Masons of New York who were members of La Fraternidad Lodge #387 conceived the idea of forming a Masonic Lodge whose members would be predominantly Sephardic. The first meeting launching this movement was on Saturday evening November 22, 1930 at the Manager Hotel in Manhattan. This gathering was convened through notice over the signature of brothers Solomon Emanuel, Jacques M. Habib and Louis J. Opal. It was the beginning of the only Masonic Lodge in the World composed of mostly Sephardic members.
The petition for letters of dispensation for the Lodge was signed by the following members: Eli M. Alcabes, Joseph Amelar, Claude Cabutto, Fernando De La Garza, Dr, Solomon De Sola, Solomon Emanuel, Milton H. Ezra, Jacques M. Habib, David Joseph, Theodore Labe, Louis J. Opal, and Gabriel Yohai.
It then became necessary to find the appropriate name for the Lodge. Several names celebrated philosophers and theologians of the middle ages were suggested. It was finally concluded to name the Lodge after Don Isaac Abravanel, who was born in Lisbon Portugal in 1437, and who died while in exile in the town of Padua, Italy. It is noteworthy to point out to our readers the place which Don Isaac Abravanel still holds in world history. He was a statesman, Financier to Kings, Philosopher, theologian and Biblical commentator; He is, indeed, considered a truly great and glorious figure of the Golden age of Jewish history.
Through the years Abravanel Lodge #1116 has Grown and developed substantially and has become a strong constituent in the domain of New York Masonry. This is principally due to the ever present spirit of solidarity keeping the rank and file strong and steadfast as well as to the brilliant leadership of a long array of luminaries within Abravanel Lodge #1116 guiding its destiny. Long may we continue to walk in their path.
Lodge Officers
Worshipful Master W:. Elliott K. Buscemi
Senior Warden Bro. Michael Matsas
Junior Warden Bro. Lindsay Pierre
Senior Deacon Bro. Eliot Brown
Junior Deacon Bro. Christian Colon
Secretary W:. Michael Skupp
Treasurer Bro. Nadav Kauderer
W:. Carmelo Rivera...Trustee 3yrs
R:.W:. Barry Cohen.........Trustee 2 yrs
Bro. Nadav Kauderer.....Trustee 1yr