Welcome to the page of Abravanel lodge #1116 of Free and Accepted Masons,
part of the 10th manhattan District of the Grand lodge of the state of New York
Freemasonry is:
The oldest, largest and most charitable men’s fraternal organization
Spiritual, not religious in nature, requiring its members to believe in a Supreme Being of his choice.
An opportunity for a man to improve himself. Rich in history, tradition
Open to men of good character regardless of race, creed or religion
Qualifications For Membership:
Membership in a Masonic Lodge is open to all men 21 years of age or older — regardless of race, color, or religion. Our membership requirements are very clear:
You must be of good character and reputation. You’ll have to provide evidence of living a positive life through references from at least one Mason and three other people.
You must believe in a Supreme Being and the immortality of the soul. This belief is not prescribed — rather, we encourage you to be steadfast in the faith of your choice.